Tuesday, 23 May 2017


Vlog 1, Week 1-

Vlog 2, Week 2-

Vlog 3, Week 3,4&5-

Vlog 4, Week 6 -
Vlog 5, Week 7-   
Vlog 6, Week 8- 
Vlog 7, Week 9- 
Vlog 8, Week 10- 
Vlog 9, Week 11- 

Email correspondence

Final product


Research into chosen idea



Intended audience feedback

I created a survey for my intended audience to see if they liked the video.
These were the questions and answers:

What did you think about the video?

It was cool to see the behind the scenes at the vets
Really liked it was good to see behind the scenes at my vets and summed up how i feel about them
i liked how the video included a range of interviews and how somebody who did not work there was interviewed
I thought it flowed nicely

Do you feel the video was too long?

Yes 0%
No 100%

Do you think the video shows how Vets One impact the community effectively?

Yes 100%
No 0%

Did you enjoy the video?

Yes 100%
No 0%

How did the video make you feel?

It lifted my mood and made me more secure about the many hours my dog has to spend with them
proud of how far vets one have come in the last 4 years

Monday, 22 May 2017

Location release

Release forms

Recce checklist

Risk Assessment

Shot List Shot Log

Call sheet

Techniques and skills

Throughout this project, I have been able to develop new knowledge on some techniques and skills. I have learnt how to frame an interview and also that the interviewee should try to avoid looking into the camera. I have also developed my editing skills and have been able to include cut aways to other footage, add music and voiceover, add stills and add titles. I have also improved my communication skills as I have had to maintain contact with my client throughout the project. I have also learned to be flexible in order to meet the demands of the client.

Audience research

My target audience is people with pets aged 30-75 who can afford to pay the expenses of caring for pets. It is estimated that 11m (40%) people in the UK have pets therefore they will need vets practices to care for the pets. The east of England has the fourth largest volume of pet owners with 1178 people owning pets. 52% of people in the PetPlan Pet Census 2011 share pictures of their pets on social media, this shows that they use social media and they most likely follow and like their pets vet practice. Also, 94% of the respondents of the PetPlan census say that they would cut back on luxury items including holidays to pay for treatment if their pet became ill. The majority of dogs (80%) have regular walks, showing that people within my target audience enjoy spending time outside and would take interest in activities that take place outside. 

After looking at the Vets One Facebook, most people who are commenting are women aged between 30-50, this is my target audience as the video will be uploaded onto the Facebook page. However, this does not show the older people in my target audience as only 23% of over 65s use social media. 

I also did a survey to find out how my target audience to find out how they felt about their community. I included 7 questions, the results of these were:
What is your age?
42.86% were Under 18
28.57% were 18- 30
28.57% were 31-70
How interested are you with your community?
85.71% said sometimes
14.29% said not at all
Would you consider taking part in community service to help your CV?
42.86% said yes
42.86% said maybe
14.29% said no
Would you take part in local activities to do with the community?
28.57% said yes
57.14% said maybe
14.29% said no
How do you get updates about your community?
14.49% said newspaper
14.29% said local news
57.14% said social media
14.29% said other
Which social media in particular would you use to get updates on your community? 
100% said Facebook

Problems and proposed solutions

Throughout my project, I have not encountered many problems however there was a few that I had to resolve. The first problem that I encountered was that my camera battery broke while filming at the practice, this meant I could not film the interviews on the same day. To resolve this, I worked out a different day that I could film the interviews with my client. The second problem I encountered was the voiceover. I had to record it several times to get it right as it was too rushed. To resolve, I recorded the voiceover at a slower pace. These two problems were the only ones I encountered throughout my project and everything went smoothly.

Client feedback of 1st edit

Client feedback of 1st edit
My client enjoyed the 1st edit however did make some suggestions on how I could improve the edit. These were to change the voiceover at the start as it sounded like it had been edited too much and it did not include enough pauses between sentences. I fixed by rerecording the voiceover slower in order to include more pauses so it did not sound rushed or confusing. Also, there was a typo that my client noticed so I fixed this.

Target audience response to existing SACM products

Target audience response to existing social action and community productions
To find out the target audiences response to existing social and community products, I created a survey for them to fill out after watching an RSPCA video, this video detailed how the donations helped them and how a small donation can help. I used this video as it features animals and my client is a vet practice who look after animals. In the survey I asked the audience 6 questions. These were:
Have you heard of social action and community productions before?
What do you think the message of the RSPCA campaign was?
Do you think the video worked in getting the message across?
How did the video make you feel?
Does the campaign work in your opinion?
Would you donate to the RSPCA after watching this campaign?

Of the 5 people that took my survey 4 had not heard about social action and community productions before. All 5 of the respondents had different answers as to what the message was, this shows that people can interpret different things from the video. All the respondents agreed that the video worked in getting the message across. The respondents all experienced negative emotions while watching the video such as shock, sadness and anger. This shows that the videos can change a persons mood affectively to make them feel what the company want them to feel. All the respondents felt the campaign worked however only 2 would definitely donate to the RSPCA, 2 would think about donating to RSPCA and 1 would not donate to the RSPCA. This shows that social action and community productions can encourage people to donate to the organisation.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Contingency plan

If my client drops out last minute, then I have contacted Cats Protection who will be willing to allow me to film a short video for them. This would require more work as I would have to re film but I have done research on the organisation so I have enough knowledge to create a film for them. I would create a film about how you should adopt cats instead of buying them. I have already contacted Cats Protection about this and they are willing to let me do this and they are also willing to let me film at any time. If I do not get enough footage with my client on the filming day we have arranged, I will contact them to set another date so I can get the footage I need.

Peer feedback of 1st edit

Peer feedback of 1st edit
I created a survey to gain feedback about the 1st edit of my project.
I received some positive such as there was a good variety of footage, the music and voiceover were good, the interviews had a range of different information in them and the video flowed nicely. Also all the people that took my survey felt that there was enough footage included in the video.
However, I also received some negative feedback, these were that the voiceover was slightly quiet in parts of the video and I could use more cut aways during the interviews. To improve, my audience said to make the music at the end quieter and to shorten it. I did make the music quieter towards the end so the voiceover could be heard however I will not shorten it as only one person out of the 4 that answered said that the video was too long and also my client requested for it to be longer so I could include as much information as possible.