Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Peer feedback of 1st edit

Peer feedback of 1st edit
I created a survey to gain feedback about the 1st edit of my project.
I received some positive such as there was a good variety of footage, the music and voiceover were good, the interviews had a range of different information in them and the video flowed nicely. Also all the people that took my survey felt that there was enough footage included in the video.
However, I also received some negative feedback, these were that the voiceover was slightly quiet in parts of the video and I could use more cut aways during the interviews. To improve, my audience said to make the music at the end quieter and to shorten it. I did make the music quieter towards the end so the voiceover could be heard however I will not shorten it as only one person out of the 4 that answered said that the video was too long and also my client requested for it to be longer so I could include as much information as possible.

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